Tag Archives: girls minds

Why Do Girls Play Hard To Get?


“Don’t hate the player, hate the game.” We’ve all heard the saying. In the game men are taught to chase and women to be chased.

Let’s face it, the dating game is fun, as annoying as it can be. Imagine if every girl you approached said yes to dating you, it would get a bit boring after awhile. There’s different reasons women play hard to get, and with no further ado, here we go…

You meet a girl at the bar. She’s with her friends but she keeps glancing your way. You approach with your killer smile, and swag that has never failed you but she clearly does not seem interested. Yeah so she was glancing at you, it doesn’t necessarily mean she wanted you to approach her. Sometimes girls just want to look and know we being checked out back. That’s all. We weird like that. Don’t be offended, at least you know she thought you were cute. 😉

Maybe you managed to get her number. Half the battle won there buddy. Now you need to call. You gather up the courage and get smacked with the dreaded voice mail. You leave her a nice, normal message with your name and number. Key words here, “nice and normal”. A day or two passes and she doesn’t call back. You try again, this time getting through. She apologizes saying she was super busy. Should the alarm bells be going off? Why didn’t she call you straight away? Answers simple. She doesn’t want to seem too eager or too available. She want’s to act all calm and chilled even if her heart skips a beat at the sight of your call. Lets just be honest, if she was readily available all the time, constantly called you and slept with you after the first night you’d lose interest pretty quickly. But if she puts up a bit of a challenge, doesn’t say yes to every date and keeps you guessing, you stay interested. I’m right. Don’t argue.

What if she keeps constantly making excuses not to see you. She’s busy Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Heck, she’s busy the next week straight. Some of the excuses are a tiny bit lame as well. “I need to bake cupcakes for my best friend.” You give up, telling her when she’s free to give you a call. You know for sure she has your number but you still don’t hear from her.  Buddy, she’s just not that into you. If she was interested, she would at least give you a decent apology and call to say hi and promise that she’ll get together as soon as she can.

Or you on a date with the girl. Date means you in the game. High five! Everything is going great. Good conversation. There’s chemistry. You feeling pretty good about yourself, so at the end of the night you decide to go in for the kiss. She pulls away shyly and leaves, leaving you thinking, WTF?! One big reason many girls play hard to get is because they don’t really trust men. Maybe they’ve been hurt in the past, they know  how their guy friends boast about their sexual conquests or whatever reason. They just want to make sure the guy is not looking to solely get into her pants. Basically she’s protecting herself from getting hurt.  So if she’s playing hard to get, there’s a good chance she’s just testing the waters. It’s not that she isn’t interested.

You’ve reached the relationship stage. She’s still got a bit of a wall up though. In general men are less likely to commit but when they do, they usually surer about it than us girls. This is because women tend to over analyze and question a lot more things than men do therefore creating more doubt in their minds.

Playing hard to get comes with dating. You going to be hard pressed to find a women who doesn’t play hard to get. Don’t get discouraged every time you turned down, it doesn’t necessarily mean she’s not into you. Now that you know why women play hard to get, it’s easier to distinguish which ones are worth the chase and which ones are not. Happy chasing boys 😉

5 Things most girls probably won’t admit to guys.


Guys, this post is for you. Girls, I’d love to hear your opinions. There’s the age old debate, who are more confusing and complicated, girls or guys? Guys confuse the hell out of me, like really, sometimes you just boggle my mind. That said, I feel for you as well, cause as a girl I’ll admit, we are very complicated with a capital C! Girls, I can’t help you out with what goes through a guys mind, cause hell I’d love to know myself. But boys, you I can help. This post is on 5 things your girlfriend probably won’t tell you.

What actually goes through our heads?

1. Yes, even though you dating us, we can still be insecure. When you single you always look at relationships and see all the positive sides. When in a relationship, you remember all the positives of being single. As girls, we know this. It’s normal for us to obsess in our heads about it. A bit more often than is probably necessary. Our big fear is now that you can’t have other girls, you going to want them all. I’m not here to explain it. It’s just how we are. I did admit we are complicated beings. That girlfriend, who was so chilled about you having friendly, innocent conversations with other girls, yeah well in her head she was far from chilled. Well now you thinking “Well what the hell must I do? It’s not like I can stop communication with all other non-related females?” Well that’s what we wish but we not that dramatic. [Well most of us aren’t. ] There’s a 1 or 2 little rules to always remember. NEVER pay another girl more attention than your girlfriend. NEVER comment about a specific girl over and over again and if a girl is blatantly flirting, let her know you not on the market. If you are going to wander, then wander…but break it off with us first. Cheating is not cool!

2. We don’t really like it when you make friends with our friends. Female friends to be specific. Yeah I can’t really justify this one. Remember these are things we would never actually tell you. We want to know your friends though. Your friends tell us a lot about you. Plus if your friends like us, we know there’s a better chance we will last. Hypocritical much? Yes. But it makes sense in our heads. So why can’t you be friends with our friends? There’s always that fear, deep down, that you going to meet one of our friends and decide you like them more than us. Ex with a friend? Another not so cool move.

3.We DO want you to go out with your friends. This isn’t so much something we won’t tell you. It’s more something you boys don’t actually realize. When you come asking us if it’s ok for you to go to the game with the guys, or a boys weekend, or whatever it is you males get up to, you seem to think we going to go into a flying rage and demand you take us out to on an expensive date to compensate? Sweeties, we not THAT bat-shit crazy. And if you dating a girl that is, well, you might wanna end that one. The key is balance, as long as you not always ditching us for the guys, we cool. Just don’t cheat well you away. Already been said, but worth repeating, cheating isn’t cool.

4. When we say we “OK” or “Fine” we more than likely aren’t. When boys have issues they generally don’t like talking about it. We know that. We do though. But we know you don’t. So when we say things like “OK” and “Fine”, we really actually have so much more to say. This is the part where you have to put your girlfriend first and actually make an effort to read between the lines and find out whats wrong. We actually want to see you make an effort. It shows us you really care.  Like I said, girls communicate. Boy’s not so much. So sometimes we think you don’t care, this is our way of checking if you do. So don’t be offended by the short answers. Use it as a sign that there’s something she really wants to say. Ignoring her after a “Fine” is a no no. Add that to your “not cool” list.

5. We like to be chased Yes it’s true. We do. We sometimes try come across hardcore and say we don’t but we like to be chased. We hate to chase. BUT we don’t want you coming on overly strong. Clingy makes us feel trapped. No one likes to be trapped. When we sure of our feelings we’ll give up the chase and let you catch us. [I should so go into Romantic literature]. Our biggest fear-this is a big statement- its falling for all your wooing and sweet talking and finding out down the line you meant none of it and you were pulling the “i want to get into her pants only” move. This is the main reason for all the other things I’ve mentioned. Even when we in a relationship with you, this will also be in the back of our minds, at least at the beginning. So we constantly want to feel like there’s a bit of a chase. You chasing us makes us feel wanted. If we feel wanted we reciprocate feelings. So don’t chase a girl if you don’t want to catch her. It’s not cool!